
“karna: ear, pida :pressure” Karnapidasana Entry of the Karnapidasana asana: From Halasana and the precautions for this posture, bend the knees to bring them as close to the ears as …


“the posture corpse” Savasana Entering Asana Savasana: Wrap the blindfold around the skull at eye level to obstruct the view.Lie with your back on the blankets, pelvis on the floor. …

Dvi pada viparita dandasana

“two, legs, reverse, stick posture” Dvi pada viparita dandasana Entry Asana Dvi pada viparita dandasana: Place two yoga chairs one behind the other. Fold two mats into 4 and place …


“Intense stretching” Uttanasana Entry of the Asana Uttanasana: Place yourself in Tadasana. Raise your arms to the sky, palms facing each other. Look at your hands and then inhale. Bend …


Gomukhasana en Vajrasana Entering Gomukhasana Asana: Sit in Vajrasana knees together, ankles together, buttocks on heels.Pull the flesh of the glutes back to sit on your ischia. Pull the skin …


Salamba sarvangasana

“with (sa), support (alamba), whole (sarva), body( anga)” Salamba sarvangasana Entering the Salamba sarvangasana: Fold four to six blankets crosswise and lay them on top of the apis. Take a …


“two, legs, reverse, stick posture” Dhanurasana Asana Dhanurasana entry: Place two yoga chairs one behind the other. Fold two mats into 4 and place them on the chairs. Stand on …

Parivrtta trikonasana

“the inverted triangle” Parivrtta trikonasana Entry of the Parivrtta trikonasana: Tadasana then Utthita Padahastasana. Spread the arms, palms facing the floor, feet parallel. Turn the left foot slightly inward and …

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