Yoga and yogis

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Yoga and yogis

Which yoga?

There are many variations of Hatha yoga: Acro Yoga, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar (including Kurunta, Fly yoga, pre-natal-post-natal, Restorative, Therapeutic, Yoga Wall …), Kundalini, Nidra, Sivananda, Viniyoga, Vinyasa. Moreover this last …

Yoga and yogis

Why practice yoga?

The luminous answer of BKS Iyengar…. “Most people ask only one thing of their body: that it does not cause them problems. They consider themselves healthy if they do not …

Yoga cliché
Yoga and yogis

7 clichés about yoga

Even if the practice of yoga is more and more widespread, (two million practitioners in France and more than thirty in the USA), it is a pity to hear people …

Yoga detox
Yoga and yogis

Yoga , Detox ???

Yoga , Détox ??? Il faut s’entendre sur le mot détox…encore “petit piège sémantique” et au delà de vouloir faire de la polémique… le yoga se propose d’être un projet …

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